One more wake-up!

Tomorrow is the big day. My appointment with Dr. Ali at UPMC. I have honest to god butterflies already, and my appointment isn’t for another 21 hours.  I can’t stop thinking about how this process is going to change my life in so many ways. I’m excited and scared and happy and a bunch of other emotions. My brain is going a thousand miles an hour; I may have to medicate myself to sleep tonight.’

Thankfully, I busted ass at work today, and missing half a day tomorrow will not put me behind, which is good. It also helps that my boss is going out of town again so I won’t have to work on his clinic eligibilities. HUGE bonus. The billing supervisor at work, who I work with on the doctors’ reports for the government (if you know Meaningful Use attestations are, you can feel my pain), has been swamped with another project, so I took the bull by the horns on another project to take some of the pressure off her. It’s more of the government reporting stuff, and I’m doing what I can to make sure we’re reporting accurate data, so I need to figure out a way to make sure that these doctors, who have lots of letters after their names, can understand it.


There’s a lot of that where I work.

So, I’m working in the morning, then taking off for Erie with my Mama. That reminds me – I need to call her to firm up our plans.  I ask everybody to send me their good juju and wish me luck tomorrow!

I’ll update the blog tomorrow night.

Be kind and love each other,

Linda ❤

13 thoughts on “One more wake-up!

  1. Sending always lots of good and positive thoughts your way….good luck and can’t wait to hear how it went with you. You truly are amazing!!!! 🙂

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